Calgary Stampede Security guards provide asset protection and access control functions and are able to effectively respond to and assist with; lost and found inquiries, lost children/parent incidents, first aid and medical calls, property damage reports, safety concerns, and providing direction and assistance to show patrons, etc.

Our security supervisors are trained in CPR and First Aid, and all guards receive security training in accordance with provincial legislation, Customer Service-CARE, Emergency Response procedures including; Bomb Threat, Fire, Building Evacuation, and Medical response. Security Supervisors oversee all security personnel on the Event and are the targeted first responders for all incidents on the Show Floor. There is always a supervisor available to respond as required to any situation on Park.

The Calgary Stampede requires, at the Show Management’s expense, to provide a sufficient number of security personnel to staff their event. The number shall be as deemed necessary by the Calgary Stampede Security Management. The Event Manager will provide you with a schedule and estimate of all security charges prior to the event.

Park Patrol

Stampede’s Park Patrol force consists of highly trained security officers who are on site 24/7. Park Patrol officers are responsible for:

  • Providing protective services

  • Providing  asset protection and effective loss prevention functions and ensuring  public safety through highly visible and proactive mobile foot, vehicle  and bicycle patrols

  • Providing personal escorts

  • Crowd and traffic control

  • Environmental spill response

  • Emergency response for fire and medical

  • Acting as a liaison with the Calgary Police Service

  • Incident response, investigation and documentation


Stampede Dispatch is our 24-hour emergency communications centre, also responsible for alarm and CCTV monitoring. Should an incident requiring emergency assistance occur, Stampede’s dispatch will notify and coordinate Emergency Services Agencies (Police, Fire and Ambulance) and Park Patrol.